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Rona, from Benbecula
Me at Burr & co, Edinburgh in 1997.


I have been privileged to help people feel healthier for the past twenty five years

​​​​​​The breadth of my clinical experience covers anxiety, depression, ME/CFS, trauma, anger, forensic issues, relationship problems and severe mental health problems. 

On top of that I am a published author on traumatic stress, mental health advocacy, therapeutic environments and therapeutic relationships. Presenting scientific papers at national and international conferences. Practical blogs on how to come unstuck in therapy, put words to desirehave better sex, and/or build social relationships. I have also written personal articles about my own experience of anger, anxietydepression, ME/CFS, our secret relationship with money and how to take personal responsibility

All across my life I have developed a preferred practise of helpful relationships. These co-productive relationships are, in my experience, the most effective way to feel healthier. Creating new experiences, useful to you. ​This page further details my career and my specialism of helping by example. I also invite you to ask me questions about my background, clinical psychology qualifications, training and ongoing clinical supervision. I look forward to hearing from you. 


Finally, for a full video introduction of how I work see 'An interview with Dr Andrew Perry' (2021) with Dr Natalie Bodart 


Brief introduction
Andrew Perry

Brief introduction


MY career


A mental health advocate at Lynfield Mount Hospital in Bradford.


An assistant psychologist with the NHS in Gateshead.



A trainee clinical psychologist with the NHS in the East Midlands.


A clinical psychologist with St Andrews Healthcare in Northampton.


A clinical psychologist with Greater Glasgow NHS Trust. 


A clinical psychologist with The State Hospital NHS Trust.


A clinical psychologist with Cyrenians in Bathgate.

2019 to present

A clinical psychologist in private practise.

My specialism: helping by example

Therapy in a nutshell

How many therapists' does it take to change a light bulb? 

One, but the therapist has to change first.

This is helping by example. The therapist changes first to help the customer.

'What are you getting paid for?’ I heard myself ask. I looked around to see who was listening. Quickly realising I was facilitating a group and had not prepared this intervention. I noticed how the group had gone silent and its customers looked towards me. Patiently waiting for me to answer my own question. I stumbled ‘I am paid to lead’. Lead with what? ‘Lead with my vulnerability.’ I stumbled again, ‘I am paid to trust you before you trust me.’ It sounded good enough. Relieved, myself and the group relaxed. The conversation moved on but the question, for me, remained. What am I actually getting paid for?


What do I do that has a monetary value beyond that of the customer? It is also a challenge for the customer. Couldn't you get that elsewhere? What about cheaper or free?  Why, sometimes, it may be a good use of your money to pay for a psychologist. At the very least, I hope you will agree, it is always a good idea to know what we are paying for when we are buying something.'


I change first​​​

'In therapy the customer gets the credit. The therapist succeeds by failing the customer's way. Bearing the consequence of that failure. Namely redundancy from temporary employment. In my experience this is a disciplined and effective way of being with people. Admitting our mistakes and trying not to repeat them. Accepting the complaint, anger and disappointment of the customer without retaliation. Responding in an adult way to the customers corrective criticism. Exploring what has happened between us. Breaking the comfortable lock of complementarity. Letting go of a fantasy of being the complete, innocent, blameless therapist. In these ways the therapist is paid to change, in order to help the customer. And so in the end, my first answer to the group was not a bad stab at the value added. What am I getting paid for? Paid to lead with my vulnerability, then to follow yours, to a place of greater psychological health.' 

This is a summary drawn from my full article What are you getting paid for?





'Andrew is fully committed to enabling and supporting change for people that has them at the centre. He was central to my journey from downtrodden bureaucrat to researcher to maker and shaker in mental health. We worked very closely together to develop a model of co-production in forensic secure settings which reflected what we had observed: that it does happen and that it occurs when staff see the person and not their offence and when they give a little of themselves to generate a 'genuine' relationship which supports therapeutic and personal outcomes for patients and staff. Thankfully we continue to work together with inspiration which keeps us fighting the fight.'

Frank Reilly


Scottish Recovery Network

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